Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What women want..?

I am amazed to see working women slogging it between home and work.They feel responsible for their children ,home and husband and also their work.They sleep less to make both ends meet.I can understand women working like this ,who are hard pressed for money and by working, add an extra something to their family income. But what amazes me most is women who work for peanuts or belong to well to do families?

What do they get from working so hard? Here the desire to do somthing on their own seems to be their calling or is it an indirect way to get a personal space among all the to do list of things? May be it is the sense of achievement to earn money or it could be a getaway from the monotony of life or escaping from something she can't address? Or is it the desire to do something independent of the family,or is it to prove something to someone?Is it the importance given to people who work an earn(predominantly men) that it becomes such a desirable act?

Is it the image or the lack of it for non-working women that one is forced to choose a different course and somehow fall out of the category?

Whatever it is ,it has to be big enough since she is willing to negotiate it with the FAMILY TIME, or the comfort of sleeping more ,or outsourcing her basic home work.

Too many questions..!