Saturday, July 3, 2010

Do I ?

Wanted to blog for a very long time but i got into the rat race. Whenever I was brimming with thoughts I wanted to write them down just like Boji (My Grand dad).

My life has been a roller coaster and whenever their is a break ..I am dreaming..
Do I write about the things I love the most or mention what makes me cry and yearn for? Do I write about my never ending pursuit to "stand out" or do I write how I confirm
to the socially accepted norms? Do I write about my dilemma every hour or my untiring focus on my work?
Do I share my adventures or recount my misfortunes. Do I describe how special I am or do confess my mediocrity? Do I impress you with my brilliance or gain sympathy on my plight..? Do I trust you with my honesty or give you the plastic smile?

I will try again ..!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world Meera! Great to read your thoughts ...Keep writing and sharing. . . Love - Gauri

  2. Dear Gauri,
    I was feeling lonely blogging by myself..I am glad you came along.

    Lots of love

