Wednesday, July 14, 2010

To Myself

You are scared, apprehensive and doubtful of how will it work.Not because you think you can't but because you know your unlimited potential and have never believed that before.
You have never appreciated yourself moreover stopped and undermined those who did.
Your loved ones believe that you can do more and better but you never wanted to believe them.

Yes! It did occour to you quite many times that you don't belong here and why they repeated that you deserve so much better and grander.
This is the time to prove to yourself that you can be an achiever, a success!
Your dreams can come true and not die with you or be passed on to posterity as a burden.
Bear yourself , accept yourself ,admire yourself!Give yourself a chance.
Remember you want everyone to WOW at you and believe that you can make it possible.
It darn well be possible!

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